Wednesday, March 19

Symbols of love

There are 2 things I wear each and every day. My wedding ring and my Mothers ring. Knowing that I have these to wear as a constant is not only comforting but it's also a beautiful reminder of the 2 people I love most in this world. I liken my wedding ring as an old rugged canvas cloth. It shelters, provides security, protects and is a safe haven from storms, it's strong and stable.....just like my marriage. The other more delicate ring which I recently and most joyfully received after my Mother passed away is like a quilt to me, cuddly, warm, fuzzy, soft, handmade and comforting..... like my Mom's love was for me.
You may have guessed it, I'm an old sentimental fool and these two symbols of love keep me confident in not only knowing that I love completely but I am also loved in return. What could be better than that in this life? Beats me if I know!

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