I have more products in house than I know what to do with these days and wanted to share with the other scrapbooking enthusiasts who just love get a new stash.
Rak includes 100 sheets of patterend paper including products from Scenic Route, 7 gypsies, Queen & Co., All My Memories, Heidi Swapp, Lil Davis and much much more. All items are in orig1nal packaging and never been used.
I will choose a number between 100 and 300 on friday February 9th at 2:00 pm eastern time....anyone who guesses the number or comes the closest will get the goodies. Good luck!
EDITED: RAK giveaway will end today at 4:oo p.m. eastern time. If you left a name I will contact you in either case please check back here for the announcement.
What a nice idea. I love RAKs. And a fun way to do it at that. My guess is 198.
I am astonemo on twopeas.
Hi! This is awesome! My number is 270! :) Have a super week!
Are you sure??? On one hand I sure hope so :) but, r u sure???
Okey dokes my number is: 225
Thanks for being so generous & you have a cute blog!
my guess is 123. What a nice thing to do. I bet its going to be hard to box that up though.
Wow what an awesome RAK! My guess is 188.
I am jnh on 2peas!
What fun, Colleen! I'll guess 111.
Wow what a cool giveaway - I pick number 113
That's so nice of you! I guess 125
Oh what fun. This is something I believe I need to do with my supplies.
My Guess is 157.
I am Doodlebug80 on 2peas.
I'd like to play . . . . I'll guess 209. Thank you!
Great Rak!!! My guess is 143
I am taterdog at 2p's
What fun... My number is 153
mine is 200..i'm jgj27 on 2peas...how fun!
Nice RAK!! Nice of you!!
My guess is 150. This is very generous of you :)
jennasmomma on 2peas
How generous of you!!! My number is 199.
I am ChickieShannon on 2peas. :)
Oh, what a NICE gesture, and fun too...thanks for the chance to win! My guess is 234...
Thanks again!
Smiles and Blessings.
Hi -
My guess is 219. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I am mak54321 on 2peas.
my number is 183. thanks!
goldilocks13 on 2ps
whoops. I have to change my answer. I'll make it 223. I'm hilly0013 on 2peas. Thanks for doing this. :)
This is AWESOME!!!
My number is 269
Thanks for being so generous! My number is 77. I'm snoppybug on Two Peas. Good luck everyone!
Hi....it is so great your doing this. I'm Bossy28 on 2peas. My guess is 201
Me again, sorry! I forgot the 2 in front of my number! 277 please!
Thanks again!!
Wow fun idea. I may do the same to clear out some stash. 109 please
Sukilewis on twopeas
My guess is 221!!! Thanks!!!
Jaby at 2p's
How fun!! I want to play! My guess is...
It's my lucky number, so we'll see! I'm lou52 at 2ps. My blog is myinnermartha.blogspot.com
I'll guess! how about 185.
Amy from 2peas
My number is 244.
Thanks for doing this.
How fun!! My guess is 213.
Ashleyh (on 2peas)
I forgot to add my email address. I guessed 244 above.
My guess is 88. Hopefully no one has that yet.
Thanks for such a great idea -- 213 is my guess!
What a huge RAK! You are a sweetie!
My guess is 178...
Hi! This is so awesome of you. My guess is 288. Blessings!!
Newlywoods03 @ 2peas
Hello. I am going to guess 222. You are sweet to offer this.
xiaxiasmom on two peas.
Wow, what a fabulous RAK - you are so generous. My guess is 209.
I pick 247. Not sure why, just sounded like a good number.
I am lisbet on two peas.
Cool! :)
That is so nice!!
Karalyn - scrappingk@hotmail.com
Wow how generous you are!!! My guess is 299
How fun! My guess is 152.
TiikkiStars on 2peas
Great RAK...thanks for doing this. I chose #300. :) Have a great week.
Sounds like fun..
My guess is 255.
I am kcpea on 2peas
My guess is 214.
Annelies (clawfinger on 2peas)
What a great idea. And such a fun way to do it. My guess is 122.
I guess 142 :)
Charin Reed
My number is # 108
Thanks, minnieme
Ok, so I guess, I'll say 111.
Great Rak!! My number is 139. Wishing myself luck :) Angie or CreativeAngel at twopeas!! Thanks how fun :)
I don't think I saw 127. I am racegoddss @ 2Peas.
My guess is 184! You are too sweet! Mailgirl1978 ~Brooke
i pick 175
My guess is 137
214 in honor of valentines! :)
I'll guess 235.
Hi there! My guess is 293.
My peaname is kittykat3233.
191. Thaks for doing this....
You are AWESOME for doing this. This is an amazing RAK. My guess is
I am HollyRN on 2 peas :)
Thanks for sharing so many goodies.
So nice of you--and fun too!! I guess 215.
I'm guessing 126.
159....please pick my number..haha
I am sjctaylor on 2Peas
226 if nobody has picked that number yet. I checked and I didn't see it but I could have overlooked it knowing me. :)
By the way, this is very generous of you for doing this!You are awesome!
And my name is Terese!:)
I'll play! I choose 45, the age I turn in May! Thanks for doing this.
RrlScapGal on 2peas...
i guess 274!
I am vanessapea on 2peas
I guess 257!Thanks- I'm MLCmom at 2Peas- Margaret
I would like #101. You are awesome for this idea.
I was the first to post and realized I didn't post my name Angel.
Thanks Again
I'll pick 211--What a great RAK! :D
How fun! How about 167? (wpray2play on twopeas)
What a great giveaway :)
My guess is 283
Thanks! Ingrid (ic on 2peas)
I choose 297! TIA!!
Wow...how awesome! I will pick #299.
Going to check out your blog now.
This sounds fun! I'll choose 267.
(Scrapmommy23 on 2Peas)
Oh wow! You are soo kind to be giving this away. I chose 207. Thank You! :o)
My guess is 169
DianeT from DML
I'll guess 163. My email is in my profile (I don't want to give spammers a shot at it!)
Thank you SO much for this!!
- chel (gingerblue on 2Ps)
My guess is 129...
Thanks for doing this...
My email is scrappychick2007@yahoo.com
Leslie Owens :)
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