Monday, February 12

You've been Punked!!

This was a successful prank played on dh last summer. He is incredibly obnoxious about his area of the house (office/study) that he sectioned off for himself as the "male domain"and his fanaticism of having it stay impeccably clean at all times. Whew! What an impossible task with me living in the house and not honoring that rule! Personally, I don't get all freaky when there are drops of coffee on the counter but dh goes crazy, especially if it's on his table. Weird? I know. So I just had to play on that idiosyncrasy by making a cup of coffee look like the whole thing spilled. I can't take full blame for this joke . My mom was in on it too.

To do this and make it look real, I made the coffee spill from diamond glaze and added the right color of paint to make it look like it had cream in it (exactly how I like it), with a packet of sweetener and a couple of stirrers to complete the effect, wait for it to dry, then place it right where he would see it when he first walked in. Ahh...the wait, then without a beat... success! Complete with all the drama and laughter for I had successfully PUNKED dh!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH my gosh...that is so stinkin' FUNNY Colleen!! I love it, you bad girl you!!! hahaa