Thursday, April 19

Saving Dean

The day was finally here. I planned a series of test for him to take with Life Line Screening because he has a growing aorta aneurysm. It's been growing over the years and I fear for the worse. With a little grumbling we made it in and out within 1 hour. Of course, he wouldn't tell me all the details but just knowing that the nurses wanted me in there to tell me what they found was in itself enough to say it could be serious.

Short of it all is that his aorta aneurysm is at 3.2 cm. I think they preform the stint at 4 to 5 cm It's nerve wrecking close but may not be the worse of it. They found out that he has a 70 % blockage on the left side of his neck and that the right side is pumping like mad. OK, that seems pretty darn serious to me but will the man make a doctors appointment to fix it??? His answer to me was " I have things to do first" WHAT!!!... and he says; "that requires surgery". Simple common sense tells me he shouldn't wait but he's a man at days end!! (deduced after talking with many friends whose husbands do the same by thinking they can conquer their illness without any help). No doctors, no pills kinda guy!

Argh! What is a wife to do...nag at him all the time? Ok, at the very least I know what the score and what the tests revealed even if I'm helpless in the fight to save him. I hate that whole horse and water analogy. Why can't I make him drink? The best I know to do... is to do what I always do and that is to keep on praying for him!

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