Friday, January 19

Where is our winter?

Our winter is a far cry from last years! Who would have ever thought I would wish for snow? Me? The girl who intentionally moved from living up north to get away from it all. This has been one of the strangest winters I've known. I look at pictures from last year and just wish for it to head our way. Am I really saying that? Wow, prespective is a funny thing. Truth is, it wouldn't be winter at all without it, but it can only arrive in moderation and it can only stay a week ....that part is non negotiable!! (hee hee) of course this is purely selfish thinking. What I want is to admire it from a nice warm cozy place, preferably having a wood burning fireplace. See.... it's all in perspective!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Colleen, your cabin is this the one up in the MTs?